the project team
Our project team will be responsible for designing the data collection, conducting the interviews, analysing the data, and communicating the results of the research to our communities. You can read more about our research team members and their perspectives on family support of transgender young people in these comics.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Julia de Bres
Julia (she/her, Pākehā) is a critical discourse analyst specialising in how people use language to reproduce or challenge social inequalities. Julia is Senior Lecturer in Linguistics at Massey University/Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa. She moderates a support group for parents of transgender children and has previously served as a board member of InsideOUT Kōaro, a national organisation supporting rainbow young people. She is Chair of the Research Network of the Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA).
Associate Investigator
Dr. Jaimie Veale
Jaimie (she/her, Pākehā) is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Director of the Transgender Health Research Lab, University of Waikato, President of the Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA), and a Rutherford Discovery Fellow. She leads the Counting Ourselves survey of the health and wellbeing of trans people in Aotearoa, and is a foremost expert on the social determinants of health for trans people.